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Published: 06-05-2024

Many are giving simply because people are giving, but lack understanding and the right perspective in what they are doing. Don’t be part of that band-wagon. Be enlightened and do the right thing first time. There is no point wasting your time doing something you don’t know about. Be wise. By reading this book you will get to know the following: • God and giving • The driving factor in giving • Giving is a command • The benefits in giving • Some ways of giving • Conditions in giving • Unacceptable giving • The principle of giving • Results of not giving • Examples of givers

Keywords for this book

Books On Gift
Books On Generosity
Books On Offering

Book summary

Many are giving simply because people are giving, but lack understanding and the right perspective in what they are doing. Don’t be part of that band-wagon. Be enlightened and do the right thing first time. There is no point wasting your time doing something you don’t know about. Be wise. By reading this book you will get to know the following: • God and giving • The driving factor in giving • Giving is a command • The benefits in giving • Some ways of giving • Conditions in giving • Unacceptable giving • The principle of giving • Results of not giving • Examples of givers

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