Maasai Songs, Riddles and Narratives
Subtitle: Songs And Poetry
Author: Koikai Katitia
Songs and poetry are an essential part of life in many communities. In societies where traditional customs are strongly adhered to, there are certain rituals that are observed to the accompaniment of songs, dirges and other poetic forms. Apart from thee ritual tunes, there are also songs that are composed spontaneously as the occasion demands. These include lullabies, love songs, war songs and political songs. But whatever function they serve, songs and poetry embody a people’s philosophy, beliefs, values and, sometimes, their historical development.
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Book summary
Songs and poetry are an essential part of life in many communities. In societies where traditional customs are strongly adhered to, there are certain rituals that are observed to the accompaniment of songs, dirges and other poetic forms. Apart from thee ritual tunes, there are also songs that are composed spontaneously as the occasion demands. These include lullabies, love songs, war songs and political songs. But whatever function they serve, songs and poetry embody a people’s philosophy, beliefs, values and, sometimes, their historical development.
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