My Personalized Financial Planner book by Elizabeth Waithaka

My Personalized Financial Planner

Subtitle: Track How You Save, Spend And Manage Your Money To ELIMINATE Your MONEY LEAKAGES

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Use this exciting resource to create a Personal Money Diary to help you track your savings, see how you spend and how often you spend on the same items. It is an amazing work book, inspiring, challenging, informative and it keeps you accountable daily. FINANCIAL PLANNER CONTENTS 1. 2022 & 2023 Calendars Personal Memoranda Page 2. A Guide to using the Personal Money Diary 3. Personal Finance Empowerment Lessons in Mini Classics 4. Blank Personal Notes Pages Personal Money Goals Template for the year 2022 and beyond 5. Monthly Personal Money Goals Template 6. Monthly Personal Budget Template 7.Monthly Shopping list Template 52 Weeks Incomes & Expenses tracker and Summary with reminder spaces 8. Personal Budget Monitoring Template 9. 52 Weeks Saving challenge Template

Keywords for this book

Books On Money Management
Books On Financial Planning
Books On Money Goals
Expense Tracking

Book summary

My personalized Financial Planner is a Personal Finance tool specially designed to help you track your daily, weekly, monthly and annual money goals, incomes and spending. It helps you see how Money comes and goes out of your life. It gives you a clear picture of your money habits, how much you are making, how you save and how you are spending. To make the most out of this tool, follow the following procedure which is well guided: 1. Start by setting your money goals for the year then mini goals for each month. 2. Track your daily, weekly and monthly incomes and expenses. 3. At the end of the month, add up all your incomes and expenditures. 4. At the end of each month, evaluate how well you kept to your budget by comparing the budgeted costs and incomes against the actual incomes/Expenses. Record the difference and keep improving/adjusting month by month. 5. At the end of the year, evaluate how much you earned/spent on each income/expenses category. 6. Determine which areas of your personal finances would benefit from more attention.

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Book details

Publishing date: Aug 23, 2024
Book format: Paperback
Language: English
Number of pages: 188 pages
ISBN 13:
Book size: 5 x 8 in (A5)
Paper type: Bond 70 (white and black - Double sided)
Cover lamination type: Glossy
Category: Business, Money, Law and Finance
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