Start Self-Publishing in Kenya with Xania: A Step-by-Step Guide

Posted by: Brenda Gathoni for Xania
Posted on: Mar 01, 2024

Self-publishing empowers writers to bring their stories to the world on their terms. With platforms like Xania, the process becomes even more accessible for Kenyan authors. If you're ready to embark on your self-publishing journey, here's a step-by-step guide to get you started.

  1. Prepare your manuscript
    Begin with a well-crafted manuscript. Ensure it's proofread, edited, and formatted to professional standards. A polished manuscript is the foundation of a successful self-published book.
  2. Obtain a copyright certificate
    Protect your work by obtaining a copyright certificate. This legal step ensures that you retain ownership of your intellectual property. In Kenya, the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) oversees copyright matters.
  3. Obtain an ISBN
    An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique identifier for your book. In Kenya, the Kenya National Library Service is the national ISBN Agency responsible for issuing ISBNs. This step is crucial for book distribution and cataloging.
  4. Design your book cover
    Create an eye-catching and professional book cover. Xania provides tools and services to help with cover design, ensuring your book stands out in a competitive market.
  5. Create an author account on Xania
    Visit Xania's website and create an author account. If you already have an account, log in to access your dashboard.
  6. Choose your publishing format
    Decide whether you want to publish a paperback or an ebook. Xania offers a straightforward interface to input details such as book title, author name, description, price and other necessary information.
  7. Fill in the details
    Once you've selected your publishing format, fill in the required details. Provide accurate information, as this will be crucial for metadata, book categorization, and reader engagement.
  8. Upload your manuscript and cover
    Upload your manuscript and cover to the Xania platform. Ensure that your files meet the specified format requirements. This step brings your words to life in a readable format.
  9. Set your pricing
    Determine the pricing for your book. Consider factors such as production costs, market demand, and comparable book prices. Xania allows you to set your pricing within certain parameters.
  10. Click publish
    With all details in place, hit the "Publish" button. Congratulations! Your book is now live on the Xania platform. The straightforward publishing process ensures that your work is available to readers swiftly.
  11. Explore your dashboard
    Navigate to your author dashboard on Xania. Here, you can track sales, monitor reader engagement, and access valuable analytics to understand how your book is performing.
  12. Engage in marketing
    While Xania provides marketing support, it's essential to actively engage in promoting your book. Leverage social media, author websites, and other channels to reach your target audience.
  13. Monitor performance analytics
    Regularly check your book's performance analytics on your author’s dashboard on Xania. This data will inform your marketing strategies and help you understand reader preferences.
  14. Connect with Xania's support
    Xania offers support services to authors. If you encounter challenges or have questions, reach out to their support team for assistance.


Embarking on a self-publishing journey with Xania opens doors to a global audience. By following these steps, you're not just publishing a book; you're creating an opportunity for readers to discover and connect with your unique voice. Happy publishing!

To get started with self publishing click here to publish your book on Xania and we’ll support you in marketing, printing, live analytics and so much more. You worry about writing, we worry about everything else.

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