Francis C. P. Keiru on Xania Digital Bookstore
Francis C. P. Keiru

Francis Chege Keiru was born in what was Lari location in Limuru Division in mid 1940s. He holds a Masters of Theology from Daystar University Nairobi, a Bachelor of Arts and Concurrent Diploma in Education from Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, a Diploma in Education from Kenyatta College (Kenya College), and a Certificate in Project Development and Management, from Kenya Institute of Administration, Kabete. Francis taught for many years in Kenya High Schools, where he rose to the level of Deputy Headmaster. In 1978 he joined the Ministry of Education as an Education Officer. He was later posted to the former Soviet Union and Russian Federation between 1982 and 1998 respectively as an Education Attache where he cumulatively served for 12 years. In 1999 Francis served for two years as the Deputy General Manager, University Students Accommodation Board in the University of Nairobi and was the National Coordinator, School Feeding Programmer, GOK\WFP in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas. Francis is a retired Elder in the Presbyterian Church of East Africa.





