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4 Ratings

Published: 24-01-2024

Oliver is a young Architect, communication enthusiast, poet, musician, author, investor and Christian from Kenya. He has a passion for creative work with a natural talent for expressive writing. He has written, performed and trained poetry and spoken word from a tender age of 13 at the Kenya Music festivals, high school drama and other forums. He has a rich collection of over 100 English and Swahili poems and has submitted some to international poetry prizes such as Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets among others. His inspiration for the poems originate from daily natural life lessons and experiences.

Keywords for this book

Poetry Book
Oliver S. Oduor
African Poetry
Days Of Ajwala
Kenyan Poetry

Book summary

Poetry book containing original works of poetry written by inspiration from the author's daily life encounters and experiences.

Write a review

Reviewed on 09 Feb 2024

Oliver you are a gifted poet and author. I loved the experience of reading your poetry and I am hopeful to keep seeing more of your work.

Reviewed on 16 Feb 2024

You are definitely a gifted poet. I like that you put together a beatiful collection that speaks to many life situations. Keep inspiring the world with your gift Oliver.

Reviewed on 01 May 2024

Very nice book I love it