History of Japan book by Benard Ochieng'

History of Japan

Subtitle: Jomon Period To The End Of American Occupation

Author: Benard Ochieng'

This hardcover is selling at KSh. 8000 7400

This book entails the history of Japan from the Jomon Period to the End of American Occupation in 1952. It covers the pre-history of Japan as well as the political, military, socio-cultural and economic history of Japan.

Keywords for this book

Social Sciences And Humanities
Japanese History

Book summary

This is a book for beginner learners on the history of Japan from the Jomon Period to the end of the American occupation of Japan after the Second World War. It gives an overview of Japan’s geography and administrative division , highlights the evolution of the political system of Japan from ancient times through medieval times to modern times, international relations between Japan and the outside world - the wars with Mongolia and significantly, the influence of China, Korea and the Western world in shaping the culture and history of Japan, Japanese internal political turmoil manifested in the form of violent struggles for power and dominance, Japanese socio-cultural practices from pre-historical times to modern times, and Japan’s 20th Century militarism, expansionism, their defeat in the Second World War and the American occupation after the war.

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Book details

Publishing date: Jan 22, 2025
Book format: Hardcover
Language: English
Number of pages: 293 pages
ISBN 13: 978-9914-37-428-5
Book size: 5.5 x 8.5
Paper type: Bond 80 (Colored - Double sided)
Cover lamination type: Matte
Category: Historical books
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