Tales of the Savannah
Author: Amkich Karanja
Tales of the Savannah is an anthology of short stories from rural Baringo Kenya. It reminiscence of the past that is fast getting lost. It takes us back to the old rural life that has been taken away by technology and other social entrants. It seeks to inform the new generation of indigenous Knowledge through stories that entertain and teach. This is the first of a series that the author seeks to bring to the readers at reasonable timelines.
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Book summary
Tales of the Savannah is an anthology of short stories from rural Baringo Kenya. It reminiscence of the past that is fast getting lost. It takes us back to the old rural life that has been taken away by technology and other social entrants. It seeks to inform the new generation of indigenous Knowledge through stories that entertain and teach. This is the first of a series that the author seeks to bring to the readers at reasonable timelines.