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Published: 10-05-2024

Jim's life is interrupted all of a sudden on one weeked. An invitation to a party by a friend becomes the reason his life changes abruptly. He finds himself trapped in the in the world of crime. He is forced to run dangerous errands for a powerful crime lord. His whole life is affected. One day, in the course of running the errands, he gives in to a powerful temptation. He discovers a new world and he doesn't want to leave. Later, a life-threatening incident makes him regret everything. It is too late but he fights to get out of the web, even as powerful forces make it difficult for him.

Keywords for this book

Short Story
Raymond Munyao
Fiction Novels

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Book summary

Jim is a happy teenage boy. He goes to school. He laughs with his friends. He helps his mother. One day, everything changes. All of a sudden, his life is interrupted. A dark cloud covers him. What starts as a normal day ends up changing his life forever. A simple invitation becomes the reason he is dragged into another world, a world he had never imagined he would ever find himself in. He is forced to run risky errands for a mysterious boss. He tries to resist but he is threatened and he fears for his life. It all feels like a nightmare. He loses control over his life and an invisible hand seems to control him. As time goes by, something in the new world attracts Jim and he falls into temptation. He no longer wants to go back to his old life. Later, an incident makes him regret everything and he wants to get out. However, It is too late. He is already deep in the web. He wants to leave but he cannot. The invisible hand holds him back. He becomes desperate. Now he has to find a solution to his predicament and free himself.

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