Choosing the Right Paper Type for Your Self-Published Book

Posted by: Brenda Gathoni for Xania
Posted on: Feb 17, 2024

In the world of book publishing, selecting the appropriate paper type is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the overall look and feel of the final product. In Kenya’s self-publishing industry, Xania emerges as a standout platform, offering not just a space for authors to showcase their work but a host of advantages that set it apart. One of our goals is to help build capacity among others, and improve overall industry performance, and the print quality is one of those factors that are at the heart of the success of the industry. 


The choice of paper goes beyond mere aesthetics, as it also affects the durability, cost, and reading experience for your audience. In this article, we will explore the various types of paper commonly used in publishing and provide guidance on how to make the best selection for your book.

  1. Coated paper
    Coated papers are treated with a layer of compounds like clay, calcium carbonate, or latex, providing a smooth and polished surface. This type of paper enhances the reproduction of images and graphics, making it an ideal choice for books with a heavy visual component, such as art books or photography collections. However, coated paper tends to be less porous, affecting the absorption of ink and potentially resulting in slower drying times.

    Read also: How much can I make as a self-published author in Kenya?

  2. Uncoated paper
    Uncoated paper lacks the additional layer found in coated paper, giving it a more natural and tactile feel. It is commonly used for novels, textbooks, and non-fiction works. The porous surface allows for better absorption of ink, making it suitable for books with a lot of text. Uncoated paper is often chosen for its classic and comfortable reading experience.
  3. Recycled paper
    As environmental consciousness grows, many publishers opt for recycled paper. This type is made from post-consumer waste, reducing the demand for virgin fibers and minimizing the environmental impact. Recycled paper may have a slightly different texture and color compared to other types, but advancements in technology have improved its quality, making it a viable and sustainable choice.
  4. Textured paper
    Textured paper adds a unique tactile dimension to your book. It comes in various finishes, such as linen, laid, or felt, providing a distinct feel to the touch. While textured paper can enhance the visual appeal of a book, it may not be suitable for all genres. Consider using textured paper for specialty books or limited editions where the sensory experience is a key factor.
  5. Glossy paper
    Glossy paper, known for its shiny and reflective surface, is often associated with magazines and high-quality coffee table books. It intensifies color and detail in images, making it an excellent choice for visually striking publications. Keep in mind that the glare from glossy paper can be a factor in certain lighting conditions, so consider your book's intended environment.


How to choose the right paper

  1. Know your audience
    Consider the preferences of your target readers. A younger audience may appreciate a glossy finish with vibrant visuals, while a more mature audience might prefer the classic feel of uncoated or textured paper.
  2. Consider your genre
    Different genres have different requirements. Art books and photo albums benefit from coated paper, while novels and educational materials often work well with uncoated paper.
  3. Budgetary constraints
    Paper choice can significantly impact production costs. Understand your budget and strike a balance between quality and affordability. Recycled papers, for instance, can be cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
  4. Consult with your printer
    Work closely with your printer to understand the technical aspects of each paper type. Factors such as ink absorption, drying times, and overall print quality should be discussed to ensure a smooth printing process.


It is important to note that the paper you choose for your book is a crucial element in the overall reading experience. By considering your audience, genre, budget, and collaborating with your printer, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your vision for the final product. Each paper type brings its own character to the table, so choose wisely to create a book that not only tells a compelling story but feels just right in the hands of your readers.

To get started with self publishing click here to publish your book on Xania and we’ll support you in marketing, printing, live analytics and so much more. You worry about writing, we worry about everything else.




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