The Self-Publishing Process for Kenyan Authors: A Comprehensive Guide

Posted by: Brenda Gathoni for Xania
Posted on: Feb 14, 2024

Starting your self-publishing journey in Kenya is an exciting milestone that opens doors to a world of creative freedom and literary expression, and also a means to build wealth from your gift. In this guide, we will walk you through the essential stages of bringing your literary masterpiece to life, with a spotlight on the unique advantages offered by Xania, a leading self-publishing platform dedicated to empowering Kenyan authors.


  1. Book idea generation and screening
    Every literary journey begins with a spark of inspiration. Kenyan authors often draw from their rich cultural heritage, diverse experiences, and unique perspectives to generate compelling book ideas. Before diving into the writing process, it's crucial to screen your concept thoroughly. Consider its relevance, market appeal, and the impact it could have on your target audience. Here is a guide on how to generate and screen ideas from the University of Minnesota.

    Xania tip: Xania values diverse and authentic voices. When screening your book idea, ensure it aligns with your personal passion and resonates with potential readers. This authenticity will shine through in your writing.

  2. Manuscript writing by authors
    With a refined book idea in hand, it's time to let the words flow. Many authors in Kenya and all across the globe often grapple with the balance between traditional storytelling and incorporating modern perspectives of storytelling. Whether you're crafting fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, the key is to stay true to your voice and engage your audience.

    Xania tip: Xania encourages authors to take their time during the writing process. Quality matters, and a well-crafted manuscript lays the foundation for a successful self-publishing journey.

  3. Editing by external professionals
    Once your manuscript is complete, the editing phase is critical for polishing your work to perfection. While self-editing is a valuable step, bringing in external professionals adds a fresh perspective. Professional editors can refine your prose, correct grammatical errors, and ensure a seamless reading experience.

    Xania tip: Xania provides resources for authors to connect with reputable editors. Investing in professional editing elevates the quality of your book and enhances its market appeal.

  4. Copyrighting your book
    Securing the copyright for your literary creation is a crucial step in protecting your intellectual property. It is imperative to copyright your work for additional legal safeguards. To copyright your book in Kenya, visit the Kenya National Rights Registry Portal.

    Xania tip: Xania advises authors on copyright basics and provides resources to guide them through the process. While registration is optional, it adds an extra layer of protection to your work.

  5. ISBN purchase
    An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique identifier for your book, essential for distribution and cataloging. Authors in Kenya can purchase ISBNs through the Kenya National Library Services portal.

    Xania tip: Xania assists authors in understanding the significance of ISBNs and guides them on the purchase process. While it's an additional cost, having an ISBN enhances the professionalism of your book and facilitates its availability in various distribution channels.

  6. Onboarding the book in Xania
    Now comes the exciting step of onboarding your book onto the Xania platform. With a user-friendly interface, Xania makes this process seamless. Simply navigate to Xania site ( or install Xania mobile app from PlayStore or AppStore, where you'll find clear instructions to upload your manuscript, set pricing, and customize your book details.

    Xania tip: Take advantage of Xania's promotional features during the onboarding process. Craft a captivating book description, upload an eye-catching cover, and utilize keywords to enhance discoverability.

  7. Marketing strategies
    While Xania actively engages in marketing efforts on behalf of authors, personal marketing plays a crucial role in building your author brand. Leverage social media, author websites, and traditional channels to create buzz around your book. Engage with your audience, participate in book events, and explore collaborative opportunities.

    Xania tip: Xania hosts book fairs, annual awards, and implements targeted digital marketing to amplify your book's visibility. Collaborate with Xania to enhance your marketing reach.

  8. Book printing upon demand
    Xania's innovative print-on-demand model eliminates the need for authors to invest in prelaunch print runs. Books are printed as per demand, reducing upfront costs and environmental impact. This sustainable approach aligns with Xania's commitment to responsible publishing.

    Xania tip: We operate on the print-on-demand because it saves authors money, and readers appreciate the eco-friendly aspect, and it positions your work as part of a modern and conscious publishing movement.

  9. Delivery and royalty remittance
    Xania takes care of the entire fulfillment process, ensuring timely delivery to readers. Authors receive royalties based on the sales of their books. The transparent revenue-sharing model ensures that authors receive their fair share, and they can conveniently withdraw their earnings directly to their M-pesa accounts.

    Xania tip: Our royalty collection model exemplifies convenience as royalties are withdrawn via M-pesa, directly into authors accounts. This seamless financial transaction adds to the overall positive experience for authors.


Self-publishing in Kenya has evolved into an empowering journey for authors, and Xania stands as a pioneering platform that champions their creative endeavors. From the inception of a book idea to the delivery of the final product, Xania is committed to providing Kenyan authors with the tools, resources, and support needed to thrive in the vibrant world of self-publishing. Take the plunge, embrace your literary aspirations, and let Xania be your partner on this transformative journey.

To get started with self publishing click here to publish your book on Xania and we’ll support you in marketing, printing, live analytics and so much more. You worry about writing, we worry about everything else.


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