Where Can I Self-Publish My Book in Kenya? Exploring Xania and its Unique Advantages

Posted by: Brenda Gathoni for Xania
Posted on: Feb 14, 2024

Embarking on the journey of self-publishing a book is a thrilling endeavor, but the question of where to publish is a pivotal one for Kenyan authors. In the world of self-publishing, Xania emerges as a standout platform, offering not just a space for authors to showcase their work but a host of advantages that set it apart.

  1. Transparent payment and revenue sharing
    One of the significant concerns for any author is fair compensation for their creative efforts. Xania addresses this with a transparent payment and revenue-sharing model. For print copies, authors receive an impressive 70% of the net revenue, with Xania claiming 30%, covering printing costs deducted from the selling price. In the realm of ebooks, authors enjoy a generous 65% of the selling price, while Xania retains 35%. This equitable model ensures that authors reap the rewards of their hard work while fostering a sustainable partnership.

    Read also: How much can I make as a self-published author in Kenya?
  2. Flexible royalty withdrawals
    Authors on Xania have the flexibility to withdraw their royalties at any time, ensuring financial autonomy. The platform supports various means of payment, including the widely used M-pesa mobile payment service. This user-friendly feature allows authors to access their earnings seamlessly, contributing to a positive and empowering publishing experience.
  3. Print on demand and delivery services
    Xania operates on a print-on-demand model, alleviating the need for authors to make substantial upfront investments in prelaunch printing. This not only minimizes financial risks but also promotes sustainable publishing practices. Additionally, Xania takes care of the delivery process, ensuring that readers receive their copies hassle-free.
  4. Innovative mobile app
    Xania's innovative mobile app, compatible with both Android and iOS, introduces a new dimension to ebook reading. The app incorporates features that prevent readers from taking screenshots or downloading content, enhancing author revenue and ensuring robust copyright protections.
  5. Robust marketing support
    Xania understands the importance of promoting authors and their works. The platform actively engages in targeted digital marketing, participates in book fairs, and hosts annual awards ceremonies. These efforts go beyond the virtual world, actively reaching potential readers and creating opportunities for authors to gain visibility and recognition.
  6. Workshops and capacity building
    In a commitment to nurture and empower authors, Xania goes beyond being a publishing platform. It conducts workshops and capacity-building programs, providing authors with valuable insights into the industry, honing their skills, and fostering a sense of community.
  7. Stringent content guidelines
    Xania places a strong emphasis on maintaining the integrity of its content. Prohibited content includes any material that violates copyright, trademarks, or intellectual property rights. Authors are discouraged from using copyrighted material without permission and are explicitly barred from publishing content that is deemed harmful, offensive, or violates an individual's privacy. This commitment to ethical publishing creates a safe and respectful environment for both authors and readers.

Xania stands as a beacon for Kenyan authors seeking a platform that goes beyond mere publication. With its commitment to fair compensation, ethical content guidelines, and an array of supportive features, Xania paves the way for authors to not just publish their works but to thrive in the dynamic world of literature.

To get started with self publishing click here to publish your book on Xania and we’ll support you in marketing, printing, live analytics and so much more. You worry about writing, we worry about everything else.



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