Tales of the Warfront
Author: Prince Musau
Tales of the warfront takes you through what it takes to be a KDF officer and there after excelling in the elite military intelligence career. The book details the journey of the KDF in pursuit of Al-shabaab insurgents, the struggles, lows and successes. Tales of the warfront also details the events of some of the worst attacks ever to happen in Kenya. Most people have many questions about the Westgate mall and Garissa university attacks. What went wrong? Did the intelligence guys have any intel on the same? Find finer details about all this in the book. Lastly, the book has a whole chapter on the KDF's amphibious landing in Kismayo, the first in Africa. The experiences shared n this book are the author's own and do not in any way represent the KDF position on the same.
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Book summary
There are several reasons why I front this book and it is my first business post of the day. Tales of the Warfront offers great insights for anyone wishing to join the military or has relatives in the military. We dig deeper into what it takes to become an intelligence officer. If you read this book, you realize that at some point I was trained on handling bombs, making IEDs, home made bombs and all that. (These are some of the skills I would never want to use in my civilian life). Lets cross over to the Westgate mall attack. What really went wrong? And with Garissa university college? Why did these two attacks take so long to be neutralized as compared to Dusit? The book also has a detailed story on how the capture of kismayo was planned and executed. This is the only amphibious landing ever to be carried out by an African military. Lastly, people been asking me why I left. Read about this in the last chapter.

Reviewed on 02 Aug 2024
This is an amazing piece of writing. You are a talented writer and great author Prince Musau.

Reviewed on 02 Aug 2024
You are going far Prince Musau. Your writing is epic.