The Power  of Wisdom book by Peter Keitany

The Power of Wisdom

Subtitle: The Hidden Treasure

Author: Peter Keitany

This ebook is selling at KSh. 300

Wisdom is divine deep understanding of things and the ability to make sound judgment against many tricky situations we find ourselves in the world today . The Solomonic wisdom was the greatest asset to the children of Israel. Those who lack wisdom will drift badly into the den of foolishness, brainless and may become lunatics who can be destroyed easily and mercilessly. Without God’s wisdom we are completely cooked and we will always be in the devil’s menu

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Books On Leadership
Books On Wisdom
Religious Books
Motivational Books
Books On Business

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Book summary

Wisdom is divine deep understanding of things and the ability to make sound judgment against many tricky situations we find ourselves in the world today . The Solomonic wisdom was the greatest asset to the children of Israel. Those who lack wisdom will drift badly into the den of foolishness, brainless and may become lunatics who can be destroyed easily and mercilessly. Without God’s wisdom we are completely cooked and we will always be in the devil’s menu.

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Book details

Publishing date: May 27, 2024
Book format: Ebook
Language: Unknown Language
ISBN 13:
Category: Business, Money, Law and Finance
Total reviews: 0
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Other Books by author: PETER KEITANY