Creepy Questions Aspiring Couples and Couples Are Asking
Subtitle: With Indisputable Answers-Book 1
Author: Felix Indure
Creepy questions aspiring couples and couples are asking – Book 1 is a book that answers real questions asked by young people and married couples. The questions are ordinarily subjects that people would bottle-up in their hearts and never ask anybody thus they would suffer furtively. The book authoritatively shows that, any marital questions a person could have, he could use biblical counsel to solve them. Therefore, other than suffering secretly, one could be enjoying abundant life if they knew the answers. And that is the very intention of God. He wants every human being to live happily as He is termed as a happy God.
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Book summary
Creepy questions aspiring couples and couples are asking – Book 1 is a book that answers real questions asked by young people and married couples. The questions are ordinarily subjects that people would bottle-up in their hearts and never ask anybody thus they would suffer furtively. The book authoritatively shows that, any marital questions a person could have, he could use biblical counsel to solve them. Therefore, other than suffering secretly, one could be enjoying abundant life if they knew the answers. And that is the very intention of God. He wants every human being to live happily as He is termed as a happy God.