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Creepy Questions Aspiring Couples and Couples Are Asking

Subtitle: With Indisputable Answers Book 2


This. ebook is selling at KSh. 150

Published: 09-03-2024

Have you ever had pertinent questions on courtship and marriage life that you are afraid to ask someone and you are at a loss where you will find the answers? The questions look silly, private and even obscene yet you need the answers to the questions? Creepy Questions Aspiring Couples and Couples Are Asking; With Indisputable Answers is a book that looks at those questions and answers them objectively so that you practically use the answers to solve your problem. You don’t need to be ashamed of any question whether silly or bizarre. The answers show that, no question is weird and your Creator wants you to live a happy life and enjoy it abundantly. This is the second book in the series and it is the key to enjoy premarital and marital life, as it tackles the challenges you may face at that period.

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Nonfiction Books
Books On Education
Books On Relationships
Books On Family Relations
Books On Christianity

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Book summary

Creepy questions aspiring couples and couples are asking Book 2 is a book that answers real questions asked by young people and married couples. The questions are ordinarily subjects that people would bottle-up in their hearts and never ask anybody thus they would suffer furtively. The book authoritatively shows that, any marital questions a person could have, he could use biblical counsel to solve them. Therefore, other than suffering secretly, one could be enjoying abundant life if they knew the answers. And that is the very intention of God. He wants every human being to live happily as He is termed as a happy God

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