How I was healed of Diabetes-Part II book by Felix Indure

How I was healed of Diabetes-Part II

Author: Felix Indure

This audiobook is selling at KSh. 300

How I was healed of Diabetes is a book intended for educational purposes, and cannot in any way replace the role of Doctors and Health Personnel. The advises and treatments provided in this book are my own experiences and therefore, they cannot take into account the specific circumstances of each person. Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes must be done by qualified persons and if anyone would like to adopt my suggestions, he should only do so if his doctor accepts.

Keywords for this book

Health And Well Being
Ailments And Diseases
Healthy Living
Religion And Spirituality

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Book summary

The book is about my encounter with with diabetes. How I groped in the dark in my quest to be healed from the Disease. Finally I was healed. All diseases can be cured, that is why even though leprosy had no cure in the ancient Israel, the law provided that a person who was cured of the disease should present himself to the priest for clearance and be allowed to mingle with other people. The book reliably shows that even though it has been known diabetics has no cure, one can actually be healed.

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Book details

Publishing date: Jun 8, 2024
Book format: Audiobook
Language: Unknown Language
ISBN 13:
Category: Philosophy, Motivation and Life
Total reviews: 0
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