God Rewards You for Acknowledging Him-Part I
Subtitle: God Will Provide, Protect, Defend And Keep You Safe From All Hidden Dangers And Deadly Diseases
Author: Felix Indure
God’s invisible qualities, both his eternal power and his divine nature, can be seen evidently by observing our surroundings. His principles are apparent in the things that He created. Consequently, no one has any justification of not knowing God and his principles. Taking advantage of these principles makes one successful.
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God Rewards you for acknowledging Him: God Will Provide, Protect, Defend and Keep You Safe from All Hidden Dangers and Deadly Diseases is a book intended to help readers reach their full potential. It inculcates discipline in the reader to obey natural laws and the Creator of the laws. One is successful by obeying the laws rather than striving against them; like in a popular nursery rhyme, one has to row his boat gentle down the stream, merrily. That is why we have people struggling in life while others are living effortlessly.