Navigating the Workplace Wars
Author: Felix Indure
Why should workplace oppression exist at all? King Solomon answers, ‘there is an evil I have seen under the sun, the sort of error that arises from a ruler: fools are put in many high positions while the wise occupy the low ones. I have seen slaves on a horseback, while princes go on foot like slaves.’ Oppression exists since human beings are not efficient at allocating human resources. King Solomon termed it as an error. That is, persons who do not deserve certain positions at work are given the positions. They become rich and strong. They drive luxury cars (being on horseback). On the other hand, persons who should hold those high office (the wise), struggle in life (walk on foot). The human error King Solomon saw, results to workplace wars. This book for that reason, prescribes ways one can navigate or cope with these wars.
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Book summary
Navigating the workplace wars is a book intended to help workers know how to deal with workplace problems. Where no solution can be found in the short-run, it shows them how to cope and stay healthy.